HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R18.0\ACAD-8001:409 What is 8001:409? R18.0 is the release number, for AutoCAD 2010. (AutoCAD 2011 is R18.1 and 2012 is R18.2) These digits like 8000:419 are a ProductID (8000) and a LocaleID (419). The ProductID structure is a 4-digit value. However, prior to AutoCAD 2006, the ProductID structure was only 3-digits with a single [p] value. Due to the number of products based on AutoCAD, in AutoCAD 2006 structure was changed to 4-digits. From AutoCAD 2006 forward, the structure is configured as "[n][r][pp]", where: [n] = Number representing AutoCAD base release (see below) [r] = Release number within AutoCAD base, reset to zero for every new n [pp] = Product based on AutoCAD (see below) ProductID Assignments (Assigned [n] Values)6 = AutoCAD 20235 = AutoCAD 20224 = AutoCAD 20213 = AutoCAD 20202 = AutoCAD 20191 = AutoCAD 20180 = AutoCAD 2017F = AutoCAD 2016E = AutoCAD 2015D = AutoCAD 2014B = AutoCAD 2013 A = AutoCAD 2012 9 = AutoCAD 2011 8 = AutoCAD 2010 7 = AutoCAD 2009 6 = AutoCAD 2008 5 = AutoCAD 2007 4 = AutoCAD 2006 3 = AutoCAD 2005 2 = AutoCAD 2004 1 = AutoCAD 2002 The LocaleID structure is a 4-character hex representation of the product's locale / language. Here is a list of LocaleID - Language Abbreviation - Language 409 ENU English 407 DEU German 040C FRA French 410 ITA Italian 040A ESP Spanish 415 PLK Polish 040E HUN Hungarian 405 CSY Czech 419 RUS Russian 416 PTB Brazilian Portuguese 804 CHS Simplified Chinese 404 CHT Traditional Chinese 412 KOR Korean 411 JPN Japanese