Our stay in Fort Niobrara covered a period of about four years and was occupied in a military way by the usual practice marches and target firing. One battalion of the regiment had been sent to Fort Reno in Oklahoma and in addition to the two battalions left in Fort Niobrara came one company of white soldiers, making thus a garrison of nine companies, eight colored, one white. Colonel Bowman retired not long after we had got settled in our barracks and was succeeded by an affable gentleman who had served many years in the army without becoming a soldier. He remained with us long enough to command the regiment during the moneuvres of 1903, which I shall describe presently. Soon after this he passed to the retired list and Colonel R. W. Hoyt took command and under him I finished my term of active service going on the unlimited retired list by operation of law, April 17th, 1907, being then 64 years of age.
The Omaha Sunday Bee 1PART THREE.WANT AFSECTIONPAGES OUE TO SIX.VOL. XI.1V NO. 34.OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1915.SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS.WADSIWANT ADSJVnt ad received at any time, but toInsure proper riasnv.ication must be Patented be'ire 12 o'clock noon for eveningedition and 7:30 p. m. for morning andFunday edition!". Want " received afteruch hours will be under the heading,"Too Late to Claslfy."rstv nATr.3.Seven consecutive time. 1 centwordtaeh Insertion. , ... ,Three times within one week. 1H centa word each Insertion.One time, t centa a word.CHARGE RATES.Peven consecutive times. cents a unoai-h Insertion. , . -Three times within one week. 10 cents aline each Insertion.One time. It cent! a line.Count six average words to a "Minimum charge. 80 cents.An advertisement Inserted toIU discontinued must be stopped by wtoten order.... .... m . must be mafleil claimslor rrn'in ''...Within fifteen days after the isvlion of the advertisement.Tou can place your want ad In The BeeTelephone ttler io.Unclaimed Answersto the"Swappers' Column"Hundreds of other answers have befnealled for and delivered during the lastweek. It Is reasonable to "PP"" tho.it th. nnnle below have made tneail or xne people uiu -,cesirea swaps, mrmivi. wantah h.i.nr. ,r their answers, w.ads sure get result.B.C.SC.SC.B.C.13311331133713.T813421344135113Mlafii1362137413713M1390!WI13M1403140C1401407SC.1141114121414141614241428143114331414411445144914M14M145914i2147014711481B.C.14K21606lt.ll15131517152015251531M0154515M1555155715701572157615S5158915171598117noill215SIR19221i23f.27128msssB47KOfchOV4tut906aio316S1$21J223258MMl340XSnSSSIS'5069rirrs84403404412415414174142042S4274243398997JW2130313081W13121314DEATHS AND FCBTEBAl. NOTICHS.OOFFET Amanda, February , MIS.Funeral services will be he d fromBrailey & Dorrance chapel. NineteenthSJd CumlM streets. Sunday February 7.HI 2 p. m. Interment. Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited.Deceased is survived by her daughter.Mrs. Frank Gardiner of &0 South Twen-ty-second street.CUT-Mm Geo. II., lfe of ex-SheriffS"?' . will he held Monday...fJil.- a .t aoo n. m. from Hulse &Rlepen' parlors, 16th and JonesFriend Invited,St.. t rAv. a miR AndBIS y-TnTr late residence. SlTNoTtl,don. f-r.February 7. at Brailey & Dorrance chapel..?neteenth and Cuming streets. rwwiInvited. Interment, stiver City, Iowa.'FREDRICK John, died Friday. February 6, aged 40 years.Funeral services Monday at I J. m. atIHulse-Rlepen chapel. 701 South Six enthstreet. Interment private. Prospect Hillcemetery.BIRTHS AND DEATHS.Births William and Edith Davis, 2409South Thirty-second avenue, boy; JohnM. and Aduie Ekberg, ibti Seward, boy;Charles Earl and Hattle Keel, 2UU3 Howard, boy; Alfred and Isabella Taylor, 825South Twenty-fourth, boy; Fred and Jennie Schneiderwlnd, . hospital, boy; Louisand Vlnceura Geromplni, 7(19 South 8ev-. ... rxA TtAi-thA HnvrirL";4 Seward, girl; WilUam and Maud Aust,4U07 Boyd, boy.Deaths Jerry Hallahan, E4, hospital;"Wealey Hodge, 5 months, hospital; HildaLongmo. 14, W20 Wirt; Charlotte A. Cutter, 4, hospital.MAnRIAGK LICENSES.The lollowUut marriage licenses weroIssued:Name and Residence. Ago.Dorr E. Field. Omaha over 21Muriel C. Johnson, Omaha over 18Andy Paulsen, Fort Dodge. Ia over 21Jenslne Nielsen, Fort Dodge. ...... .over 18Abe L. Koollsh, Chicago, IU 22Ida Brodkey, Omaha 22BUILDING PERMITS.Berka A Musll, 1922 South Seventeenth,frame dwelling, 2,HU0.TODAVS COMPLETEMOVIE FKOGItAMSExclusively in The lie.Dowa Tsia.ELITE NO. 2. 1318 FARNAM.patay'a Vacation, Lubln comedy.The Lieutenant Governor, 2-r. Ess. dra.The Navajo King, Vitagraph drama.FARNAM. 1416 FARNAM ST.Huns absolutely four first-run Mutualfilms, witb the famous Keystone comedies changed daily.HIPP THEATER, 16X11 AND HARNEYHome of Paramount Pictures. 1PARK THEATER.Feature program dally.Keystone Comedies.616 N. 16TH.PRINCEvSS, 1317-19 DOL'GLAS.Lure of the 'West, thrilling western dra.Their Hobo Hero, heart Interest drama.Zip and His Gang, L-Ko comedy.MAIL OKDKKand FrolfhtPrpld ThisReliancet.1 50-Egg IncubatorGet youm now! Doa't waltl Write at once.Be the first in your neighborhood to get soearly hatch. Incubator ia free I Coa younothing all you have to buy are the egg.Everything Else Is FreetkatkelwiswtstfcelMvkstor. Tills ImlnitsBasTalr, Laa, wua, sulMer,7kMMiw, kas Trays, eie.Pj"! fc"tV..T" "! RHum InnaUtnewiiboot wvrii. It hoot aslliiw urthing. Ttua M aoa Mat'a sroposiuon. It a buufei offrr. 8nafur trlsM sMt ahlpplBs bfenk ana ocr li.f orlathwi. writ. uju mttujm piaialy. aikliaaaKLIMCt IRCOUTM CO, lu 114, FMZrMrf. U.Stop Using a Trusslltt'Vr v- ar. dlllarTrt froaa tfca tra,"" ' blnf snadieliu) sppUcuansu aaf aaajaa, purpuaalr lo a'td taa sana aactuvirm piaAlauajousBlip, ao jaa ,1 c hafe Qr immSVV I "-.1 r 1 anda k r auoeaaaluilrTlyr-. f - tral tauual.aUawafI Hill fif Dl ALal wllkaal kindrama hxjoaStUalle amass carat la aaa'raa,,aae,laa. Awar4a4 Oo44 MadaL rnieaa) al maary ia salural, aw aflarwaxaa ao furtkar aM fur lniiM4W a ani, it bv aaadlnf irou Tvtal ot Plapaa abaotufrlyVkrlta KaH UMtalMlli, M. Ill tt. Uaa, SBUSINESS1TODAY'S COMPLKTKMOVIK PROURAM3Exclusively in The BeNortn.ALHAMBRA. 1SI4 N. 14T1I.Among the Mourners. Key. Com.Joke on Jlllow Town. Hel. l'ra.Loveliness of War. J-reel. K.-B. drama.ALAMO. 24TH AND FORT.Environments, Majestic drama.The Mister. $-reel K-B. drama.As a Man Thlnketh, Beauty comedy.CLIFTON. MMItary Ave & Burdette.They Never Knew, Reliance drama.Mr. Hadlcy's 1'ncle. Komlc comedy.Zudora No. 10, 2 reels.DIAMOND THEATER.2410 LAKE.Neptune's Daughter, 7 reels.Admission 10r.FRANKLIN THEATER. 24th A Franklin.Till Death Do I s Fart, -r. Sellg drama.Broncho Billy and the Escaped Bandit.The Treachery In the Clouds, Vita. com.fiRAND (Beautiful Theater! 16 & Hlnney.The Scrub. 2-r drama: t)ne Flight l"p, 2-r.dr. featuring an Omaha boy; noganaMufly Job; Cupid In the Hospital.H1PFODRO.MF.. 214 Ct MIM1.A Denver Romance. Thnnhouscr drama.Wild West Love. Keyetone comedy.Zudora, episode No. 9, In two partsIT THEATER. IfiTH AND !AM l ST.Hearst-Selig No. 92.Thi f'lot. !-reel Vltarrach drama.The Winning Whiskers, Kalem comedy.LOTHROP THEATER. 24 A LOTHROI.A Hat Full of Trouble, Thanhouser.Bessie, the Golfer, Keystone comedy.Two Moore reels.IAJYAL THEATEJl. 24 I'ALHWEOUMaster Key No. 11, 2-reel special.Children of Chance, He.A Political Mess, Joker comedy.PALACE THEATER. 2A8 DAVENPORT.A Mixed Up Honeymoon, Joker comedy.In Jungle Wilds. 2-reel Bison.SUBURBAN THEATER. 24 & AMES.A Leap From the Water Tower, Kal. dr.Two Women, S-reel Vitagraph drama.suath.ARBOR. SID AND ARBOR.Out On the Darkness, 2-r. Amerlcnn dra.In the Conservatory, Princess drama.Wild West Love, Keystone comedy.APOLIA) THEATER. 2W1 Ixavcnworth.The Leech, 2-r. Kalem drama.Sweedle Collects for Charity. Ess. com.A Militant School Ma'am, Sel. com. -dra.COLUMBIA THEATER. 1710 S. TENTH.Olive's Other Self, Edison dramn.The Adventure of Brlarcllff, l-r. Knl.com.The Hair of Her Head, Vl'xsrrarh com.COMFORT. 24TU Aii VINTON.Scourge of the Desort, 2-r. Broncho.The Legend Beautiful, American.Mabel's Flirtation, Keystone.FAVORITE. 1716 VINTON.The Girl Telegrapher's Peril, Kal. dra.The Flower of Faith, ?-r. Sellg drama.The Siege of Liege, Minn, comedy.GEM. Irs SOUTH 13TH.Story the Silk Hats Told, Imp.When Eddy Took a Bith, Nestor com.Exploits of Elaine. 2-reel Special.LYRIC. 1617 VINTON.The Smugglers' Island. 2-reel Gold Seal.The Dear Old Hypocrite. Big U.Vivian's Beauty Test. Crysisl comedy.PA1STIME. 230 AND LEAVENWORTH. !Eight reels of pictures winning the prize.(Hownded, 2-r. Rex.Have you Peard about tomorrow?VENEZ1A. 1211 SO. UTU ST.Four reels of Mutual ptctureaWest.MONROE. , 2535 FARNAM.Young Mrs. Wlnthrop, 2-r. Edison drama.The Smoking Out of Bella Butts, Vita,com. The Volunteer Burglar, Ess. dra.Braioi.BENSON. 6835 MAIN ST.The Submarine Spy, 2-part Imp.Mary Fuller In "Virtuoso," Victor.Iove and Water. Sterling comedy.Council Ulnffa.ELITE NO. 1 646 BROADWAY.Patsy at College, Lubln comedy.Hearat-Sellg No. 9.A Daughter of Israel. 2-r. Vitagraph dra.J NICHOLAS THEATER647 Broadway.The Treasure Temple of Bhosh, Vila com.Dear Old Girl. 2-reel Essanay drama.The Barrier Between, Blugraph dramaROPER, (37BR6 A D W A Y.Girl of the Secret Service, 2-r. Gold Seal.The Bribe. Victor drama.Tie Cured His Gout, Joker comedy.oath Uiuaaa.BESSE THEATER. 24TII AND X.The Spirit of the Violin, 2-r. Sellg drama.The Right Girl, Vitagraph comedy.Proncho Billy aad the Baby. Ess. W. dra.MAGIC.24TH AND O.Old Peg Leg s Will. 2-roel Bison.Treasure Beekers. Sterling comedy.Vaaueviile;ORPHEUM.24TH AND N.Ley Down Your Arms.ANNOUNCEMENTSNOTICE.Ladles golnr to coast should place Ihetrorders early to avoid any delay in theirplans.ANNA SISTEK,Ladles' Tailoring and Dressmsklns;, 201203 City National Bank Bldg.lcWill buy youMany offersof good jobsIf you want a job where you' can 4 4 get by ' ' with the leastpossible amount of effort, then,, , -ro.UOn t Spend your penny IOr lUeBee's 4 4 Help Wanted" ads.Our ,4Help Wanted"ads come straight fromthe very men it would beworth most to work forand be associated with.The ambitious man can usethe employment opportunitiesin The Bee to open a way intothe stronghold of business and...the best things of lifeTelephone Tyler 1000iilHiTHE OMAHA BEEryiMf Jfeaats Bmm Wmmt AJ.".XOIN(KMKXTSOlsen & Roueche vTailors1505 Harney StreetDouglas 6998CLEANING AND PHKSS1NOA SPECIALTYLook over our pritvs:Suits Dry Cloanod $1.50Suits, OvercoatsSongo.l and Pressed, .75Suits Pressed 50Coats Relinod 3.5UAVe do all kinds of repairingand alterations at very reasonable prices.GOODS CALLED FOR ANDDELIVERED FREEOF CHARGE.If you have a garment thatdoes not fit we can make it fit.CALL DOUGLAS MD8 NOW!TheJitneyBusi . . ... -iias Deen started in Omaha. It Is anInnovation, something new and untried luOmaha. It represents another marrh Inthe wheels) of transportation, another idea10 De worked out and developed. Its mission will bo the transportation of humanbeings.Transportation is also the work of theGordon Van Co. Our mission Is to movethe material things of the home, the furniture and household roods. Onrrinn sprvii-AIn thin respect is no Innovation. It la a?of inn !.li. r JP'iT.i years of conscientious work, coupled witha genuine desire to please, has won thousands of friends for us. We have stoodtne test of time.A mention of our -equipment, largepadded automobile vans mannnd by competent, courteous drivers Is what you getfrom Gordon when moving. For storagean Immense fireproof warehouse providesabsolute protection. Our expert furniturepackers have yeara of experience at yonrcommand.So In moving, storing and packing thesuperiority of Gordon service Is not anexperiment, but a proven positive fact.Gordon Van Co.211 N. 11th St.Phone us andcall and see you.our representative)Douglas XM.willNotice toDecoratorsOUR SAMPLE BOOKS FOR 1916 ARBNOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION.Omaha Wall PaperCompanyDRESSMAKING and tailoring, workguaranteed. 240(1 Cass St. Tel. Red. 7KT.Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co,HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Best remedyfor itching, bleeding or protruding piles;60c postpaid; samples free. Sherman &McConnell Drug Co., Omaha.ENROLL now. Y. M. C- A. night school.LUCKY wedding rinas at Hrodegaurd's.SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and molespermanently removed by electricity;consultation free and confidential; allwork guaranteed. Miss Allender, SL'4 Bee. oAUTOMOBILESAREBUILTCADILLACIt's a Safe UsedCar to BuySPECIAL VALUES NOWA rebuilt Cadillac Is superior to anynew ear at the same price. They arethe truest values on the street. By rebuilt we mean that the csrs have beenentirely taken apart, each part examined and If necessary replaced by a newpart made at the Cadillac factory; theentire car retalnted and rufln shed likenew; all equipment put In first classcondition the who'-j cur, in fact, carefully reconstructed until it is as goodas new in every detail.We offer oadliu.cs exclusively, as wedo not accept oUier makes In trade. Consequently we are as imeresieu in maperformances of the- rebuilt cars aswe are lu new Cadillacs. In actual service values, these curs ure worth a greatdeal more than we ask for them, and weusually htve a vartitv of body styles toselect from. Kee them before you buy.One 1913 6 pass. I1ialrners $1.1 "JOne 11.1 4 pass. Hui mobile b!iOne 1'-H 6 pass. Cautilaj practically new.! Cadillac Companyof Omahao. y. jm, pr. sDougluil 4226l3r""oulth 0m,a Kt-il'Ti i .L.rln. n,.,iw.ti.. 2. i Kar., iJX.t Kninatu, buyaI'h'.n. luu hi XiUt.I and se:i uei.1' C. EIAStKR, expert raulatur and lamplepalrt. Ty TA. Uwl Caveiiortti.i (j S K m'i C dllfac touring car . " blg barMgain i.iimac t o . imu(. j2a.lr x.ii a,- .1 1, t Hal ney Sts.KFT-rOe-ttt hlu truck withirlvir. w.;e.t rr ionth H. Pelton,ACTOMOLULIC-O at aiul W, pusengurtouriiig. overhauled Use 1H14. Rwr Urnnw. not by iread. ill buy tire to makedeal. Extra tubes and tires cheap forcash. L. L. !., P. O. Box 144, BouthOmaha..U'TOMoniLKaAnnouncementExtraordinaryAutomobile-MotorcycleOwners and OperatorsDo you want more power, more speedand a clean engine for much LESSCOST than you are now paying? Is souseTANKIIThe Modern Fuelle, Per GallonContains no acid, no alcohol, no ether,a scientific, non injurious, guaranteedpurifier and augmenter. giving 2i perrent or more efficiency to gasoline.Will prevent and remove carlion andback firing. Gives bO ier cent longerlire to your engine. Indorsed by gn.toPne power users. Once used never discarded.Money Rack OfferAfter you have used Tankil In 10 Ballon of gnsottnn (as per directions), youmay return the unused balance of yuurorder and receive a re-lmburcm'nt forfull nmntint vou paid provided results arenot all we claim.This Is both liberal and fair and anoffer we could not make were the efficiency of TANKII In doubt. REMEMBER, "no Ifa and ands," MONEY BACK.It TANKII falls.Phone Doug. 8330Modern Fuel Co.1K!2 St. Mary's Ave. Omaha. Neb.Going In the"Jitney Bus"Business?Any of the following cars would makedandy "Jitney Buses:"Abbott-Detroit, 12 modej. KnobbyTr. tires, new top, motor fineehape t 700STCl'EBAKER six, 14 (never beenrcglatered), complete with starterand lights 1,000Ford, 14 model, fine shape iiGOFord, 14 roadster, extra equipment.. S.V)Ford. 14 touring, extra equipment... 3TOOverland. 13 RoadsterHegal, 13 Touring 466Oakland, It touring, electria lightand Btart 8G0AND OT1IEK UAKUAJNS.COME NT AND SEE THEM.Auto ClearingHouse2200 Farnam St.Phone DouglHb $110.WB BUY CARS FOR CASH.$100 Rewardfor any magneto we enn't repair,repaired. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18th.CollsDetroit electric, overhauled and In first-class condition. Call Phone Harney 700.CARS painted, according to slxe (Ford M)worn guaraiuo. iianscoiii rark Uarage.FOR RENT 2 high-grade 1-ton trucksby day, week or month. Call Tyler 1220.Motor yelea.HARLEY-DA VIDSON MOTOR CYCLES.Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos,I no motorcycle tn, z.ub lavenwortn,Wli INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now readybargains In used machines. OMAHAmciuivK t.o., mtn and unicago. D. 1728.11USINKSS CHANCESC. M. EATON'. Bus. Broker. 1108 W. O.W., will help you In or out of business.C. M. EATONBusiness Broker, Douglas l:4.110 U ocdmaii ot World Building.Position and good salary In wholesaleJewell y store; requires Investment ofJO.tOO.Pcsltlon ns treasurer Jobbing firm:lavestment of $6,000.Position as superintendent manufacturing conipauy; Investment IA0UO.Position as salesman(premiums); In-vestment I2.U00.Position as shipping clerk' (rapid advance); Investment $-',00y.Salary of $160 In a well-established business out of city; Investment from $4,000to $8,000.Every position I offer will stand thamost rigid Investigation.1 have for sale a business to suit almost every purchaser. If you want toget in business be sure to see me hereon a few out ot the ordinary.Artificial Ice and cold storage business.equipped with Baker Ice machine.One 175-barrel flouring mill.lne CO-barrel flouring mill.Fine drayage and atorage business.Are y u a bl man? If so, 1 have thebent grocery, meat and bakery In Omaha;hiii-li.ets lor 1H1I over $40u0; stock anddelivery sys'em about (S.ODO; bulldlnv.Kri'iini a, $17,000; ro trades. If you wantto step Into a business established thatwill stay with you, here It Is.I h-ive a grocery and meat market InOmaha, about $4,000. C at ought to makeyou alt iid and f ke notice. Somethingback of It worth InveatlKatlng.1 want to buv controlling Interest In agood going Bank; will Invest up to $35,000.I want to buv hardware slock and agood dry oleanlns business In town ofabout 10,000 population.I have all kinds of farms and ranchesto trade for hardware, groceries, mdse.,Imp'emerts, etc.Trade ror lann now; mree years asoyou cooVn't, and two years from nowyou can't-C. X. EATOTBusiness t'roker.110$ W. O. W. Bldg. D. I'M.A PROFITABLE candy factory and icecream business, town of 14,000, mainstreet. $2 0110 for half Interest.Drug store, small town, one other store,low rent, doing nice business. $3.0nO.Have men on our lists vwlth money toInvest in going, growlnir Business.WALLACFS rO-OPFUATIVE CO..V15 CITY" NATIONAIA MANUFACTURING concern making agasoline ccnnmlxer for use In automobiles etc.. deslrs avgr'sslve agents forexclusive territory not yet a-nlHned; Investment of 'Go to $V0, according to terlitorv desired, will be required for Inltla'ttock. l"ull In'ormatlon hv addressinge-retarv. 26 r'eend National BankB'd . Cincinnati, OP' ArK'MlTH shop taken en mortra-efor sale chen to clean up. Bulldlnr.two lot, cnmnlete at toola and oldstand. Come and look over. Only Interested psrties need apply. Will rentIf not sold American Ptate Bank, SprtngfleM. Vebl'.I'V nil atnrlc In tl I0 Ofid ronininv.. lust! erawnlzert- round floor nronosltlon: 110lr cent dividends to days possible; 20wells at once; nulrk action on yourmonev; limited number of shares at loaha re; $10 boys $r.M par value atock; bigadvance In stock soon; selling fast; remitnow; write for free Information; dividends declared i"on. Amalgamated OilCo. 1141 ColooM Bid.. Oklahoma. OklTCfT PALF-eapT"small "planing mlll7doing hood business. Address L sP, Bee.C J. Canan can sell your farming lantCnVSIXKSf CHANCESESTABLISHED manufacturer wantsstate mansMcr. High class article.Should pay tlO.OiO annually; to ll.OOcapital. Will pay expenses to Chicago Ifyou are man we want. References. Miller,475 Old Colony Hldg., Chicago.FOR SALEGARAGE REPAIR SHOPLivery, South Dakota county scat town?fro, receipts ll,") per month; H.Oim,.'.mw down. Jim Wray, Sioux City, la.FOR SALE M y tailor htlness,establlshed twelve years. Has kept two menbusy the yeur round, and enough forthree during the senson; 'M worth ofwoolens, 1D5 masquerndn suits that arekept for renting purposes, and fixtures.All goes for I.MI0. Come and see for yourself. Kapiwlln, The Tailor, litO N St.,Lincoln. Neb.FOR SALE I)OL HALLThree-track howling alley, six pool, onebilliard; town t.,0iv. Rent, ftf. PrlcoIJ.OUU. Jim Wray. Sioux City.FOR SALE-Ullllard parlor and howlingalley. Good location, good business: 4tables and two alleys. Price $1.. TermsW0 rash, lmlance one year s time. C. E.Uyum, Elk Point. S. D.FOR SALEONI,Y POOL 11 ALLIowg town 700; four tables, good equipinent. Receipts I. per day. Price $2,IM)ensh. Jim Wray, Sioux City.FOR SALEAccident Insurance Agency, growingand profitable. Exclusive rights toprofitable business. A fine thing tor anagent who will work. Can be made abig buslncsa. Address H tl, care Bee.It'll ALK CVmetit block factory doinga splmidld and profitable business. Located In a good live town. Address, YfcA Bee.CONTRACTORS, business men. farmers.my "Business Helps" will pay you largopn. ills. Investigate. Valuable gift offered all sending stamp for particulars.Mark Getman, Business Sv-tematlzer. tttiGreen Bldg., Seattle, Wash.GROW rich In business of your own; getout of the wage earners class: your cooperation with our factory starts youwllh little capital during spare time Inyour own home; we manufacture exclusive articles; no canvassing; experienceunnecessary. Write for booklet andiiroposltlon. Address Peaso Mfg. Co.,ept. D 39, Buffalo. N. Y.INCREASE your Income during sparetime. Mart a mall order business. Wesupply everything on easy terms. Writefor particulars. Nadlco. 1674 BelmontAve, Chicago. oLIST business i nances, property for rentsalo or exchange with me. I will writeAll manner of Insurance. W. G. Templeton, Gen. BROKER, StiS Bee. Ty. 2OJ0.MONEY AND BRAINS WANTED.to help develop a largo marble ousiness.On my Arkans:ts farm Is a mouiituln ofthe finest marble In the country; threecolors, gray, red ami nine striped; pronounced the highest standard by experts.Pest transportation facilities possible,ralhsay station at foot of mountain.There is a fortune waiting for the necessary capital and a man of mining experience. Address M Cvi, Bee.ONE of tha test retail bakeries In thecity; no competition. Call Web. 7KX oraddrese K 2f7. Kee.Patents ThatProtect and PayBooks, advice and searches free. Bendskotch or model for search; highestreferences; best results; promptnesa assured, Watson E. Coleman. Patent Lawyer. 622 F. 8t. N. W.. Washington, D. C oLIST YOUR BUSINESSwith us for quick action andtreatment.squareQCICK SALES COMPANY,418 Bee Bldg. Phono Red 22M.REAL ESTATE DEALERS.Tha owner of a number of Improvedfarms, with and without buildings. In adesirable section of eastern North Dakota, desires to form connection with active, reliable, real eotate I Inn, with theorganisation and ability to produce business and buyers. These lands are good,are all under cultivation, and offer excellent prospects of advance In value, asthey would be listed st fair prices andon reasonable terms. Thoroughly legitimate proposition. HlKhest referencedgiven and required. Jumes D. Brown.814 Security Bank Bldg., Minneapolis,Minn. o.Restaurant$4,000 will buy restaurant that will pay-jror ltseit every six month. Trial given Ifdehlred.2UICK SALES CX).,41S Boe Bldg.SAL.K8 managers wanted to open officesand manage salesmen throughout thastate. New, but thoroughly proven article. $300 to $000 required to cany stock,fully secured. Possibilities unlimited.He Terences exchanged. Ulbson. 40(1 FlaharBldg., Chicago.bTAKT a mall order bUHlnexs at home.1 did- took In $124,504.03 last year. Freeparticulars tell how I'll start vou. Address Robinson, Woodruff, Toledo, O.BIONK, sixiti i-.irrt-mrk s..n l irr.THKATliRS Buy. lease or aell your theater, machine and supplies throu-hTheater Exchange Co.. 140U Karnira Hi.Iiouglaa 1WI.TO quickly buy a businens of any kind.anywnere in tnis territory, write JimWray, Hlpux city.TO OKT In or out of bualness. Call onQANGESTAO. 44 Use llidg. D. 3477.WANTEl. In northern or central Iowa,a man with $l,too to Invent In a hunln.-o..whereby a good aalcsman can reallxe Hioon Investment, besides a good salary, thefirst year, If taken at once. Address 1fi. Bee."WANTED A reliable party with about$2,000 to purchase l Interest In live Jobbing business; big profits; standard line.Address V 24, Bee.WANTED Ideas. Write for list of Involitions wsntrd by manufacturers andirises orfered tor Invention. Our fourooks sent free. Patents secured or feereturned. Victor J. Evans at Co., 127Ninth, Waidilngton. I). C. oWK want a bookkeeper and all aroundoffice man who can liivt-at $I.ik: to$.'1,000 In a good, substantial wholesalejobbing busiiicas In Omaha Will standclose Investigation. If you have themoney and winli to get Into business furyoiir.ir Investigate. Address. A i24, Beu.... . v...,-rv w . . .vv aii 1 r.ii miin wnn some money 10 in-wV ... ...muu.Wh..u, im uuaill.w,, aU U IUtake executive poaitlon at good salaryfrom start. P. O. Box 627. OmahaTOtTR 36-word advertisement placed In100 good monthly magaxlnus one monthfor $1.26; three months, $2.60. Write forlist F. L. Miller, Syraouse, N. Y.YOlTt business or real estate quicklysold. Write Jim Wray. Hluux Hy.Baalaess lsratlmrati,Our Nebraska farm mort-years In the Nebraska farm loan fieldwitnout a loss ts our record.KLOKK INVESTMENT COMPANT,$01 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Oinana.-EDl'CATlON.UiWINTER TERMMOSHER-I. AMPM AN COLLEX1B,NOW OPKN.Unsurpassed rlaaaes In bualneas. shorthand and English Dranchea, Oraduatesguaiantesdj good poaltlona Places provided for young people to work for board.For free vatiatogue add -faMosher-Lampman Collegel$ta and Farnam Street. Omaha. Neb.' fi sages are not atfected bvL. European wars or panics.ft Amounts $4U0 tu $20.00U. W9 W collect all interest andprincipal free of charge, toKPUCATIONALYoung ManThe World of BusinessNeeds You!Rut, It does not need you In the untrained slate In which you are now In thostate In which so many young men are content to remain.It la time for you to wake up and prepare yourself for your share of theworld a work and the success that awaits tho TRAINED man In the hustling business world.It la within your power to false yourself above your fellows. And If you d'not succeed you alone are responsible. Ti e great Industries of Omaha and all thisremarkable prosperous section of this cruntry are constantly watching for Industrious, steady young men young men trained as Accountants or Stenographers.They do not ask who you are or who your grandparents were. They akwhat you can do and how well you can do It. They do not seek your money.They want your energies and vour trained ability.There are literally thousands of position opn to the young man who willgain a training anil an ability In Bookkeeping and the Science of Business, ortonography atBOYLES COLLEGEThis Is absolutely true. We can prove It Just as surely and Just as easily aswe can prove that 2 plus 2 eqi-tls 4 first, last and all the time.Will vou prepare and place yourself In a god position, where splendid salaryand every rhnnce on earth for rapid pro motion awaits you? Or will you drlltlistlessly on toward failure and obscurity? ,,This Is a question that you must decide and decide NOW. The business worldwill not wait for yon.For your own sake for the sake of your future, why not at least come In andtalk this over with us? ... ...We will give YOU personally a whole day of our time If necessary Just toprove that what we've said la not one particle exaagerated and to absolutelyconvince you that If you do get the right training there is no doubt but you willgain the right succens out In the business world.We want to talk to you about this matter NOW.BOYLES COLLEGEH. B. Boyles, Presidentlsth and Harney Sis.Tho Van Sant SchoolStenographyDay school. :00 to 4:01.Night school. 8:1ft tu t.li.lsth and Farnam Hta.TVmg'ae M7.BOYLES COLLEGEDay Uohocfl; Night School; completehusineaa course; complete shorthand orstenotypo course; complete telegraphycourse; civil service tranches and English. Students admitted at any time.Write, phone or call for 115 catalogue.HOY LES COLLU.GE.H. B. BOYLES. President.Boyles Bldg., Omaha. NebTel. Douglas MfiS.EXPERT lady stenographer will takepupils. SHORTHAND touch typewriting. sielilng, punctuation, etc., taught andnniiili. tialnlna utven for business career. Private Instruction if dicslred. 4iaDourI.is St. Tel. Walnut 2327.FOR sale thu following scholarships Ina first class Omaha Business College:One unlimited combination businessand shorthand course.One unlimited business course.One unlimited stenographlo course.One three months' business or stenographic course.Will be sold at a discount at tha officeof the Omaha Bee.FOR RALEKaraltar. xNew 2d-hand furniture, cash or terms:reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. 06 N. HillNEARLY new bedroom suite, sacrifice forcash or terms. Harney MrJi.Mnfclcal laitrsueataSlightly used high grade piano. P. 2017,VPRIOHT PIANO, iiu. 2318 Bo. Oat.Phone Harney 4a6.Typewriters.RRNT Remingtons. Menarchs and ftmlthl'remlera of their makers. The Remington Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas14, Rental credited If you purchase andonly very neweat and highest giaue machlnea aent out. Rates, three mouths tor$d for understroke machlnos or U permonth for lateet modal visible writers.TYfUWRITUKri sod, muled, repaired.Central Typewriter Exchange. $07 a. 17thAll makes typewriters rented, sold, terms.Butte Typewriter. lff) Farnam. D. Mil.RENT An Oliver typewriter, it monthsfor $4. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. 1. ilM laeelUsaittoaa.thand mch. Oiobs Wreck Co.,21 A- Paul.FOlt SALE300 Alamo EnginesOil and gasoline, stationary and portable. 2 to 16-h. p. at cost prices.2-h p. vertical gasoline engines, f. o. b.,Omaha, each $27.60.X-h. p. hortxnntal gasoline engines, f. o.b., Omaha, each Ms.oo.2!-h. p. horlxontal gasoline engines, f.o. b., Omaha, each $42.00.Other sixes at corresponding prices.Engines shipped on approval. Orderone today.ALAMO ENGINE AND BUPPLT CO..1122-24 Farnam St., Omaha. Neb.FOR SALE Oak telephone booth $7, protectograph Hi, dictaphone with Itrecords, good as new sK). Phone 1). .y.'2.1- H. P., 230 volts, S phase, new $ 872- H. P., 220 volts, I phase, new 443- H. P., 220 volts, S phase, new 606-11. P., 220 volts, 3 phase, new 67DYNAMOS,-K. W,. 110 volts. 1. '., new $ 786-K. W., 110 volua, D. C, new 1002'A-K. W.. 130-tiO volts, new aOl-H. P. Uaaollne Engine 30b-H. P. Uuaollne Engine, throttlinggovernor 100LK BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS,Kill 8. 12th tit.FOR BALE New and second-hand caromand pocket billiard tables and bowlingalleys and accessories; bar fixtures of allklmls; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Coliender Co., 4o7-4( H. 10th tit.I BASKETS ooal. $1. Wagner. hOl N. loth.1 NEW safes, dlfterent aUea, below cost.Dr. Bradbury, dentist. 1ft Farnam.15 NEW automatic weighing scales, $$and $10. Match machines and liftingmachines. One horse wagon, buggy andharness, slso tools, lumber and othermiscellaneous articles for aaU or trade.J. C. ISil, EXECUTOR703 So. 31st Ave. Phone Harney (43.rLIVE HTOCTI FOR 8ALBHorses sa4 Veklelea.MANY well-matched teams; youngmares; some In foal. Call at B rawingCo saloon. 12)4 So. 18th St.TWU pairs of marea in foal,big St.1S23 Cum-VACCINATE your hogs. The MissouriSerum Co., 1404 Orand Ave-, KansasCity, Mo., will send absolutely free onrequest a 4Vpa ge Illustrated book, showInk' how anyone can treat his hoys. Theywill also supply serum produced in agovernment Inspected plant at low cost.ATTENTION I Must sell this week fourhusky mares In ioal; 1,200 to 1,400 poundeach; nave been taken on a debt. ThiaIs a bargain. Call and Investigate. 6u8S. "th St , near Howard residence.HORSES, $20 up. Ioo7 Burt St. Red VO.WORK team, $n0. Two young mares Infoal. 17 N. 2uth. Douglas tCLSHIP live atock to Bouth Omaha. Saveml lea a and shrinkage. Your consignments receive prompt and careful attention. TWO team of young, well-natched,chunky farm marea. heavy In foal;weight from 1.M0 to l.auO pouuds: all good,sound marea, right out of hard work, J.Ryan, manager, 2j03 rarnam.TEN good farm marea, some la foal,some a little pavement sore, cheap.Twin City Transfer Co. barn, 1-3 Dav pCMUTATIONALOmaha, NebraskaUVK STOCK l-Oll HALHHorses and Vehicles.FARM wacons, and up; harness. $40.Johnson-Danforth Co.. 10th ft Clark Bts.FOR HALE The best tPHin.. weight. 3,0iH,one In foal; also a team of nice, chunkyfarm mares, weight 1.300 pounds each, infoal; must be sold within the next tewdays: cheap for readly cash. InquireJames Henry, lt!23 IodgeTWO teams of well-matched, chunkymares, weight 1.2B0 each; ages and 1yeara old; sound; trial given It necessary;private residence, 24'l Dodge.FOR HALE 30 head of horses and mares,age from 4 years to S years, all wellbroke to work. Call telephone Bouth 8029.SS22 Harrison St.. Houth Omaha.OWING to slcknes my family must sellsplendid big team of horses and goodbig team of percheron mares, heavy Infoal. Call at residence, 14 No. 17th PtMttaelt rosimliilon Nrrckaatt.MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Excnanga Bldg.IjOST AND FOUNDLadles' .locket with monogram K. A. L.!photo lnsde. Call It. K10, receive reward.OMAHA COUNCIL. BI.CFKS STREETRAILWAY CwM "AIN Y .Persona having loat aome article woulddo well to call up the office of the OmahaaV Council Bluffs Street Railway coin-fany to ascertain whether they left It Inhe street cars. , .Many articles each day are turned Inand the company la anxioua to restoretl em to the rightf-l owner. Call Doug. 48.GOLD locket bearing monogram. "I E.H." and tho Initial, ' H." Reward forreturn to 1N08 FarnamLOST Friday night, between lfcth andFarnam and SM and Farnam. a S-karatdiamond ring. Reward . Phone D.MEDICALPiles and FistulaCuredWithout SUROICAL OPERATION orPAIN. No DETENTION from BUSINESS. PAT when CURED. A writtenGUARANTEE given in every casetreated. Patients must come to the office, 4e--lo Omaha National nana, nutand Farnam streets.DR. WILLIAM CREIGIITONMAXWELL,Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduateof Bellevue Hospital ajeuicai v,uuegs.New York City. N. Y.Piles, Fistula CuredDr. R. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula andtther rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no moneySaid until cured. Write lor oooa on rectaiIsesses with testimonials. DR. E. R.TARRY. l0 Bee Bldg.U..v.tii-i. Cured in a few davs withoutItUpiUre -, call or write Dr Wray.toe Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1S94. oMONEY TO LOANNEED MONEY T See ua Quick service.Halt usual rate. RELIABLE CREDITCO., K Paxton Blk. Douglas 141LNURSERY PLANTS AND SEEDSOARDEN SEEDS, small fruit and vegetable plants of strictly first class quality. Catalogue free. Bowker Plant Nursery, Box 10, Kearney, Neb. o.PERSON Alt$7,000 to Peusion InvalidsIf we receive &00 subscription to TheLadles Home Journal $1 60The Batuiduy Evening Post 1.60The Coui.try Gentleman 1.60Eacn month till April to equal last year'sbusiness, the oiiklnal $o.0u0 becomes theproperty ot the Invalids' Pension asan.,maklnB $7,000 to ptinsaon Invalid. Wen ul have 2J subsi i Iplions In February.Your order or renewal adds 60 eta. PhoneDoug. 7103 or addressGordon, the Magazine Man,OMAHA. NEB.THE Salvation Army Industrial bonis sollclts your old clothing, furniture, magstinea We collect. We distribute, phoneIinuiil 4L36 and our wagon will call. Calland Inspect eur naw home. U10-U12-1U4Dodge et.YOUNG women oomlnaT to Omaha asstranger are Invited to visit the YoungWomen' Christian aaaooittloa building at17th EL and St. Mary' Ava.. wher theywill be directed to aultabl boarding placeor otherwise assisted. Look for eur travelers' aid at the Union station.WANTED Young lady, U or over, tolearn china decorating. Apply room 4U)Paxton block after o'ulock Mondaymorning.POULTRY AND SUPPLIESt"OR $fi.W we'll ship to you, prepaid, ouroomplet all mstal, flraproof, slc-regulalliig Incubator and brooder ooinbined;nuvclUnea ar ths prfctd result oflatost dtsooYsrle on Inoubatlon; the talkof poultrymsn e very w hare; any child canoperate; hatch, to egg while brooding Mchick; on filling of lamp una machineI week; money back g-uaranto; to day'trial; don't fail to send for booklet today,BroodervHat-har Co., Dept. 17, Chicago,lli.DON'T lortret that thrwe Una uieraoblokena have beea aatohed In OilTrusty inoubator than la any other ineubator. Calalogu f r oa request. Addreos, XL M. Jokaaoo Co Uagr Cantar,Neb.fiTklRbXTYPH tnatrioae make the beatand ckeapeat Uniug for poultry houera.J bey are 17xax lucbesa stratigar and mureurabl tha a tarred felt and practicallyfireproof. Tbo a hundred at The Br otfluagolug bualneatarough Ths Boe'scan b sold quickly"B-atnes Chance."I 1
Stronghold Crusader Unlimited Army Trainer